Yesterday even if both me and G been home sick we had to take a walk outdoors to get at least some fresh air. I as well needed to get some more painkillers/panodol.
We walked down the street from our house that leads to the center of town.
On the side there there is something new that has opened: A TOY STORE!
Hey what is wrong with you? You might say.
Well reason for this is this island dont have a freaking normal toy store.
Here most of the toys are either sold in a supermarket next to the glue or carparts.
Or it is sold in a bookstore or something like that.
So the main thing they dont have is Toys.
This store is someting else for sure, they have ONLY toys!
Amazing, and well I love to get my son things for sure. Not spoiling him but you know just to give him something new to play with or whatever.
And since he has been sick and all right? :)
I got him a Spiderman "doll" and a small car (not too small I know I know...)
And I got him a set of strange balls that he LOVES to play with.
Then some boxes he likes to play with too, you put them on each other and so on.
Simple things but he loves it for sure.
Whats next, I heard that a Swedish store will open here on the Island as well.
IKEA, well I dont belive it until, I see it. Now if that will happen.
Anyways, back to work from a small coffee break. Time to deal with monitoring the IP traffic again for the phones and so on.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Posted by IT-Administrator at 7/29/2008 0 comments
Friday, July 25, 2008
Bad father?
That is the feeling I have today after K spent her time in the Centro da saude Bom Jesus with our son since 8 this morning until lunchtime.
He had fever since Monday except Wednesday then it was all OK and he went to school.
So we have been thinking of taking him to the doc, but then again it is just the teeth (2 big once at the same time) and doc will only tell us to give him Benuron.
We have been that road so that is I guess why do it again.
Next time my son.. I will take you to the doc directly for sure.
He had a "basic" ear infection on the left ear.
FFS! I just blame myself here for sure. Fucking hell. Poor G had to suffer so much due to the stupidity of thinking something else.
Well I guess it has been both teeth pain and ear at the same time but, just don't feel so good.
Anyways, so after spending in the hospital for about 4 hours and we got that news it just did not stop there.
K came home, the elevator was all fucked up so I had to go home quick to walk all the damn stairs up.
The elevator had some problems during this month and seems like it is not getting better.
Well it was nice for once to have a real lunch at home.
This last couple of months been more or less stress lunches, max 20 mins lunch today I had 50 then Carlos picked me up and took me down for a quick coffee and then work.
So even if it seems like a very shitty day it is now, all ok.
G will be getting his medicine and become better and it is Friday today!! So 2 days with my family all alone! :)
Posted by IT-Administrator at 7/25/2008 1 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
We have a name!
So finaly we have a name for the next little baby that will "pop-out" in January.
Been a lot back and forth but right now we both has said:
Leo Sigvard Gilljam
It can change but does not look like it :)
Posted by IT-Administrator at 7/15/2008 1 comments
Friday, July 11, 2008
Is it for real or animated?
Just saw something damn cool.
And no this is not real even if it looks damn real.
Posted by IT-Administrator at 7/11/2008 0 comments
Decisions + Disappointed = ?
Once again I will use the words:
Both this words are kind of uncomfortable when you put them together that is for sure.
I just do not like them so much together.
They should not at the moment be in my head.
Oh well it is not over yet.
Not over at all.
Just have to wait some more, then I think I as well have to make some decisions and make an end to this.
Winners never quit and quitters never win.
Vince Lombardi
Posted by IT-Administrator at 7/11/2008 0 comments
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Utmaningen (In swedish)
1. Vad gjorde du för 10 år sedan?
Nittonhundraförtioåtta? 10 år sedan, skall man verkligen behöva komma ihåg det?
Får jag tid över så jag får tid att tänka igenom så kanske jag uppdaterar detta. Bara för intressets skull.
2. Vilka 5 saker finns att göra på listan idag?
Felsöka/kontrollera IP telefonin, skriva vidare på manualerna, drömma om att få ett svar, ta reda på / fick reda på att i Januari får vi en till son!!! Hämta min son och natta min son.
3. Godis jag gillar.
Ahlgrens Bilar, Turkisk Peber, SVENSKT LÖSGODIS!!!!! *burp*
4. Vad skulle jag göra om jag blev miljardär?
Flytta tillbaka / köpa ett hus i Sverige och ett i Grekland, ge bort ett par miljoner till släkt och även en del till cancer forskningen.
Sedan skulle jag nog investera resten i lite allt möjligt.
5.Städer som jag bott i.
Torshälla, Eskilstuna, Arboga och slutligen Funchal.
Posted by IT-Administrator at 7/10/2008 0 comments
Labels: Utmaningen
IT IS A BOY!!!!!
Just to tell you that IT just became a boy, and soon we even might have a name for him. :)
Posted by IT-Administrator at 7/10/2008 0 comments
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Randy Pausch - Time Management
This one is something all should view and learn from.
I will have a look at it later tonight for sure.
Posted by IT-Administrator at 7/09/2008 0 comments
Labels: Randy Pausch
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Chuck Norris goes Political
This is just some funny shit!
Posted by IT-Administrator at 7/08/2008 0 comments
Labels: Chuck Norris
Monday, July 7, 2008
Just read a msg from a friend telling me that listen to this (youtube) it is a Classic! Well, today ity sounds fucked up for me, due to the speakers I use for the moment.
But this songs witha 8000w+ PA System it Roxxors for sure!
Old good days...
Drax Ltd. II - Amphetamine
Emanuel Top - Acid Phase
Felix - Don't You Want Me (LOLZ)
This does not belong here but it is "nostalgia" anyways:
Some nice shit hehehe
Live from Mayday:
Posted by IT-Administrator at 7/07/2008 0 comments
Friday, July 4, 2008
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Just trying out something funny for sure.
Don't know if I will ever do anything with it but I'll give it a try.
Going to make some "strange and funny" things there I guess.
At the moment there is NOTHING there but air, but will try to find some time to make some "designs" for you all to weare :)
And when there is some things there, just go mad and buy everything you see ok? :)
To the store (or just click on one of the images)
The button:
The "logo":
Posted by IT-Administrator at 7/03/2008 0 comments
Labels: Store