Monday, August 25, 2008

2nd "vacation"

So, tomorrow we will head to Porto Santo with the boat that leaves 08.00 in the morning.


Takes about 2 hours bla bla bla.. well just check my wifes blog for more info :)

I'm out of here, see yah all on Friday or someting.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Finaly it is vacation!
And I just hoe it will be the first "non-working-vacation".
So far so good, Friday don't count I guess since it was a normal portugues holiday?! :)

Oh well, so what to do? Was suppose to go do sweden, to expensive.
Was suppose to go to GC, both boat AND plane is full during fully Aug. ? WTF!

So, 3 days in Porto Santo. Well that is not GC but for sure will do the trick.
Then we talked about to go to the other side of the island, Porto Moniz and take a hotell there for 2 nights, just perfect.
Else I guess we will just relax, needed for sure!

Did I tell you all that my son went youtube? :)

G Goes youtube

This is word: "Guuuuuuuu!" my son might say when we go to the park.
This is whats he wanna do:

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

158 days to go and a lot more...

Hey all,

So it is 158 days to go(kind of).
Time goes so fast at the moment.
Soon summer has past and well winter will arrive!!! I'm looking forward for some cold days now.

It has been around +28C - +34C outside for a bit more then a weekn now.
People in the office is getting anoyed since there is no direct AIR CONDITION.
Kind of strange to not have that since this is a office and as well in a damn hot island in the summers.

Anyways, today I picked my son from "school" and went to Centro de Saudé Bom jesus for a vaccination. It's once of the once that can give a lot of fever and pain.
But so good protection aginst dangerous things for sure ;P

So what more to say, well we where trying to plan some vacation for the comming 2 weeks.
First we kind of said we where going to Sweden.
BUT, since that is not kind of vacation for us at all.. mmm well in some way it is and in a bad way it is not.
We want to see our ppl there, friends and fam. but the price just for the chairs to Sweden is about 1200 euros for us. and That is just the trip with the plane.
Then, we will for sure go back an forth between places with train that costs too much.
So sorry all back home, we wont come this vacation.
We where then thinking about going to GC or Teneriff.. well guess what?! It is all fully booked both boat and plane *sight*
So today we hehe booked a trip to Porto Santo for 3 night in a nice hotell and will just relax and have some nice food.
Gabriel will then for the first time see a SAND BEACH!

I guess he will LOVE this for sure.. PLASK PLASK PLASK! He know the words :-)

See if I have some "good" news tomorrow :)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Bamse Bamse hejja hejja Bamse!

Yes that is what is going on at home everyday now.

This one:

IF there is anyone that knows this songs? the dance mixes of child songs can anyone tell me what album it might be?
Now if there is someone that reads my blog? just put comments please if you have any album ints on child mix musics like this .. my son just LOVES it.. and Bamse is getting a bit bored hehe...

Sunday, August 3, 2008

A nice weekend

Had a nice weekend that is for sure.
Today I got someting to my little son that I bet he loves.

And we went to the park for some fun things too:

Last weekend I had this strange thing:
I asked for a banana pizza and go this?

In that case I prefere for sure this thisngs down here :)