Monday, April 28, 2008

Monday - Intressting news and 6 hours in the nursery

Hello there!

So today it's Monday.
Most people that I know just don't like Mondays.
Well I don't care so much about Mondays, Tuesdays are worse.
Just a day without NOTHING (ok except, LOST on FOX!) but else it's nothing.
Monday comes and goes to Tuesday (the "nothing" day) then its Wednesday and suddenly we are in the middle of the week.
Thursday is good since its "soon" Friday.
Friday, do I need to say more? :)
Saturday and Sunday are the best, bla bla bla bla (intressting hu?) lol.......
Oh well this Monday anyways has been all good.
I could see a bit more of my wife since she started to work today.
My son started full hours (6) in the nursery, so my wife went with him there before 12 today and I picked him up 16.30 today. He was so happy to see me, as allways :P
He was eating some yoggi so I was suppose to go down to the administration room to pay the comming months daycare fee, but NOOOOOOOOOOO!
I turned around heading to the stairs and heard someone screaming like mad.
If he could talk, he would have been screaming DAAAAAAAAAAD DOOOON'T GOOOOOOOO!
So I had to turn around and be with him until it was time to go :)

And today I as well got some very intressting news, that kind of made me very happy.
-"If I tell you I have to kill you!"

See you all tomorrow :P