Thursday, May 22, 2008

101 posts and home alone.

Hey there,

Just noticed that last post was the 100-post I made on this blog.
Yey and hurray for me or something.
Well hurray for Mr. J that has a birthday today. (gz again..)

My son is now sleeping and my wife is doing great in the office from start this morning.
Seems like she has just taken the "lead" in the stats today, well I'm not surprised.
She loves to work, and damn good at it! *Puss, kokosnöt*

Well I will just take a coffee now, without a damn smoke.
Grrr, well I said I will quit and so shall it be.

Having that coffee and reading some news, waiting until my son wakes up.
Then we will play some, and have a bath since he did not have that yesterday due to that he was vary tired.
But a nice warm bath after some playtime, then its lunch! And after that .. who knows.
I think we will go out for a short time just to get some air.
If I got the pay today we might have gone to the bank to take some money out for the rent and daycare and maybe had a coffee on the way.
Now I think we just will walk around, broke as we are *lol*

Oh well might write something else later.


Post nr: 101