Monday, June 16, 2008

Home with my son

After spending the night with my son that had fever 99% of the night the 1% I dont know about since I guess I was sleeping.
Never seen him like this before so was a bit scary.

When the time was around 7 we went up. Went to wake up a sleeping mom and seems like he was better?
Strange, well he was. Did not that that much fever.
So I went to work for 2 hours and then he got it back.
has now around 38.5C and his normal temp is about 36.7 - 37.
This night he had just under 39 with Ben-u-ron that is like Panodol/Panodil.
So I bet he had around very close to 40 without it :(

Tried to call Gabriels new doc but no answer.
I sent her an sms asking if she was busy and if so if she can just call me up when she is ok. Told her he now has fever.
She called me back 5 mins after.
Like that would happen in Sweden? Nooo dont think so at all.
So I must say .. she is good our doc we have now.
Going to be there with our son at 15.00

See what happens .. over and out.