Wednesday, April 30, 2008

1 day of rest and a big fuckup.

Hey there again,

Well today has been kind of a nice day.
A lot of work and investigation today.
But in the end I picked up my son and when I arrived home I notice I forgot "SNUTTEN" the little bear he had since he was born more or less.
THAT is a BIG fuckup.

For people that don't have kids I can just say that if you get a baby and he has a favorite teddy or something. GET TWO at the same time so you can change between them from time to time so he can get the "smell" on both of them so they are almost at least equal.

Reason: If you will forget it one day or loose it, your fucked and you feel worse then even as a person.

Gabriel was crying for "Snutten" so much when he was going to sleep, for a bit more then 1 hour.
So he kind of cried himself to sleep. ;-(

I'm so sorry Gabriel, it won't happen again!

Here is some pictures as you can see what is NOT missing:

Well, now I will go to bed.
Feels like I'm getting a cold of some kind *sigh*

Monday, April 28, 2008

Monday - Intressting news and 6 hours in the nursery

Hello there!

So today it's Monday.
Most people that I know just don't like Mondays.
Well I don't care so much about Mondays, Tuesdays are worse.
Just a day without NOTHING (ok except, LOST on FOX!) but else it's nothing.
Monday comes and goes to Tuesday (the "nothing" day) then its Wednesday and suddenly we are in the middle of the week.
Thursday is good since its "soon" Friday.
Friday, do I need to say more? :)
Saturday and Sunday are the best, bla bla bla bla (intressting hu?) lol.......
Oh well this Monday anyways has been all good.
I could see a bit more of my wife since she started to work today.
My son started full hours (6) in the nursery, so my wife went with him there before 12 today and I picked him up 16.30 today. He was so happy to see me, as allways :P
He was eating some yoggi so I was suppose to go down to the administration room to pay the comming months daycare fee, but NOOOOOOOOOOO!
I turned around heading to the stairs and heard someone screaming like mad.
If he could talk, he would have been screaming DAAAAAAAAAAD DOOOON'T GOOOOOOOO!
So I had to turn around and be with him until it was time to go :)

And today I as well got some very intressting news, that kind of made me very happy.
-"If I tell you I have to kill you!"

See you all tomorrow :P


Yesterday I heard we had +33C here on the island.
Summer is getting here for sure.

To add: I don't like it when it's getting to warm for sure. *peeu*

Friday, April 25, 2008


Oh yeah, summer is for sure arriving soon here.
This weekend and start of next week will be warm like mad (dont like it too much tho) but it will be around 24-26 and sun.
Then it will go down to around 23 and part clouds.
That is something I like for sure.

So soon weekend again and I haven't been writing shit.
Been very busy with a lot of things.

I had a meeting 2 days ago that was very nice but, will see what will happen with all the information I got so far.
I hope it will be as I want else, I guess I have to think about something else for sure.
Everything is about the future for me nowdays. Well I don't want to live in the past as some people are :)
Always good to think at least 1 step in front.

My son has spent now 1 week in the nursery and everything went so good.
He is happy to be there to see/play with other kids and so on.
And is awalys happy when his dad comes home from work :)
Next week my wife will stat to work in the office again from 12 - 18 and I will work almost as normal 8 - ~16.30 due to she will drop our son in the nursery and I will pick him up before 17.00
Seems like a good plan.

See if something speciall will happen this weekend ;)

Oh well, back to reality. *poff*

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Yet another weekend.

So yet another weekend is soon over even if it just started.
Strange how fast some things can go.
You have 5 days that you work and only 2 days for trying to get back to a normal life.
Still it feels like you have 3 days of a week.
Some people say, why are you complaining? I'm not.
Well get a baby and you for sure will find out.
All you want to do is spend as much time as you want with your kid since you know that one day you will wake up and he/she wont be there (as it was before).
And to have a week rushed like that, spec here on this island where you are "alone" it's kind of sad sometimes.
Why? Well I'm not just thinking about myself. I'm thinking more about my sons grandparents and the rest of the friends around that is not on this island.
Well maybe the friends dont want to be around 24/7 to see our son but I know that at least they would like to see him form time to time.

So this is why I think it's sad/bad/Fucked up that the time goes so fast or at least that I think it does ;-P

So this weekend has been as always relaxed.
Been with my wife and our son just going out for some walks and had a coffee and food at some places, else it just has been very relaxed.

Tomorrow it's Sunday and last day for our son before he starts the introduction of the nursery.
And just got a paper from them with "things" to bring for our son.
was not a list that both me and my wife was thinking.
WTF! So much stuff?

Well my wife has wrote some things about it here:
In Swedish tho but when you see the list I guess you will understand abit of it.
We will pay about 330€ a month for him to be there.
And from my point of view I would say that is 3 times as much as what we pay for a nursery in Sweden.
And half of the "list" we have to get for him.

I understands that we need to bring things that is just for him like dipers and some cream and so on. But blankets and other things for the bed? and food and so on.
It feels like we pay 330€ just for the person that will take care of him not for the place it self since we have to bring almost everything.

Fine that they have brand new toys there since its a new open place but if I can cut down 2/3 of the price to bring all Gabriels things I'm all up for it for sure!

Well well.. that is my irritation for today, and it just sucks!

I as well got some "good" news this weekend too, that for the moment I can't share with you at all, so there is no point of even write this damn sentence right?
Well I do it be cause I can.
Teaser! Oh yes!

Well Ic an just say this, I got an email from someone that I hope will turn to something good for the future.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Alot of things that is going on.

Hey there,

This week has been mad.
Been alot of things to both do and think about for sure.

Our company has bought a customer database that was over 60000 new customer.
And to that we had to get alot more people to the office.
Everything so far has gone very smoothly and I guess it will continue to do so since we are a very good team here.

But it has been alot of installations of new computers and phones and all the other things to it with accounts and so on.
During may we will get 3 more people and I think 1 more in June.

We are growing like mad.

And to all that now it seems like summer has started to arrive.
Kinf of like summer, but for now I would like so much to spend a summer in Sweden.

Next week our son will start 3 hours a day in the nursery for full next week and the week after that he will be there more or less full time.

In my opinion I must say that I don't like it at all, but well at least he didn't have to be there since he was only 5 months.
I would tho prefere if it was around 1.5 years or 2 :)
I guess the operation he had helps alot as well to think that I just want to have him safe at home.

I guess leaving your baby/kid to a stranger is the parents worse nightmare.
But I think at the same time it's all good for him to meet new people and to get used to it for sure.

Anyways, it will all just be good in the end. That I'm very sure about!

So more things? Yeah maybe but won't yet tell you ;-P (a lot of secrets now :) )

Monday, April 14, 2008

Bye bye mom!


Soon Carlos will pick us up to go to the airport.
Then it's bye bye mom, and grandma for Gabriel.

Been a very nice week when she has been here with both hotell visit for me and my wife just to have a night for ourself since it's very hard for us here to have someone to take our son.

Tomorrow is a start day of work again, going to be good.
Looking forward to it in some ways due to I will have alot to do.
I like when it's a bit of speed in the office and when new things happens.

Ok well that is for today I guess.. ciao....

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Where did my vacation go?

Shit, how can this soon be an end of my vacation?
Where did the time go?
So tomorrow me, my wife, our son and my mom will go to the airport and say bye bye for now..
Just hope we will see her soon again, maybe in another place.

Today we have been walking around in the town center and just relaxed.
Nothing was really open so.. :)

But now it's time to hit the bed and just try to sleep and ... yeah tomorrow is the .. "BB Day" then.


Just have to dream about a very nice call for next week then eh?

Monday, April 7, 2008

Time to go and meet up my mom on the airport :)

Friday, April 4, 2008

Weekend and vacation..


This is going to be so needed.
First now the vacation finaly started, and then I will continue it with a nice sweet vacation when my mom will come here.
This is going to be soooooooooo nice!

I must say that today it has been the almost worse day since I came to Madeira but it will end up really good since I will now go and meet up my wife and our son.
So kind of everyday can be bad but it always ends up to something very good!

But I have a very good feeling that something very good will soon happen, it's all about ... :)


Oh yes, today it's Friday and a day like that everyone should be kind of happy its weekend and shit like that, right?
Well I'm not, to be honset I'm kind of pissed off.
And I just need to write something since I can't directly talk about it with someone.

Then I guess I got all your attention like, oh why is he angry.
well the only thing I can write here about it is.

I got an email this morning that I should prolly been reading in the afternoon that I hoped was a very happy email but it was not.

Then I had a short talk with someone today that kind of "in a terrible polite way" asked if I maybe could help with something that is a very NO NO.

And there is something else that just happen to piss me off even more but wont write about it atm.
I might do it later but now I'm just to agry.

so today is the day to say PISS OFF AND JUST LEAVE ME FUCKING ALONE day. (Kind of).

Anyways, yes it's Friday and I will be on vacation from Monday -> Monday the week after since my mome will come here.
At least I have something to look forward to at the moment.

Anyone that maybe can please teleport me back home for a while?

At the moment I just can share with you all that I just want to got back.


Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Hey there,

Well, today I have been thinking alot about my future and things like that.
Erhm, yeah I can think? I think tihi..
Anyways .. so what the hell should I do? Well atm I will try to learn some new things to secure me up a bit more and will try to digg deeper with databases.
Have not worked so much with it except some php/mysql but I seen that I need to learn a bit more about MS SQL of some kind and another thing I wanna try out a bit is Exchange server.
Not that I like Microsoft that much, but I feel like that is some good things to learn.

But I think I will putt that in my comming project box for now and have a look on that box after my mom has been here.

Well now its time to meet up with my little kid and my wife and have a coffee then it's home and relax.