Monday, June 2, 2008

New week with a lot to do.

Yepp, that is so true.
This week will be a lot of things to deal with.
Well one big thing is done already, the struggle with Verizon.
With a week of emails going faultreports updating and a lot of complains to them. Today everything seems to be almost perfect again.
Why? Well beats me since they never got back to me.

Guess it is like Telia in Sweden, they think they are still the same big "company" that rules the world.
Well, sorry to say but they should "drop their balls and get back to reality again".
It is kind of funny when you make a fault report and after some "tests"
they tell you:

-"Sorry, there is nothing wrong what we can see."

Then I go:
-"Ok, please explain to me how you did the testst and how many in that case since I have just been doing over 50 test calls and over 50% is terrible BAD!"

They go again:
-"Well....*sigh*... I dont know since this is the report that the technicians made in the ticket"

*I'm thinking* (not going to write what I'm thinkin in this point).
-"Well, then I guess you have to get back to them and tell them that so far I can see no test calls to us has been made since no on here got some tech dude from verizon in the phone! *breathing* So I can just say that instead of trying to *bip bip bip* emulate the calls from us from whatever remote place you are sitting on, just go to OUR NODE and start from there FFS! *taking a deep breath*"

They go again:
-"mmmmmmmm... *thinking* (I guess I know what they think, fucking customer to be rude and should I help this person?) ok, I will reopen the ticket and add the extra information to this ticket and we will try to solve this as soon as possible"

-"THANK YOU! Have a nice day!"

Well, I kind of wrote some bad things here that was not exactly like it, even if I wanted to be even worse then this.
I'm always polite and trying to be very correct when I'm talking with this "type of people". But it is so hard to just walk around talking with them almsot telling them what they should do.

In the end of this, I told them what they should do instead of just talking bullshit in my ear, and without any reason this morning it all worked almost perfect.

So far so good, until next time!

I just love this one:

-"At least I got that Verizon bastard with me!"

This weekend just started, mooooooore to come!


Anonymous said...

kan du ta kontakt med mig för jag behöver prata med dig om en sak. Jag hittade ingen mail adress och du var inte online på msn.därför skriver jag detta lilla notis...
Tingeling från Mia