Monday, May 19, 2008

THE Monday from HELL

Oh yeah!
It is "The Monday from HELL".
Well it's not even over yet but, so far this day has just be fucked up from start until now.

So I just had to go behind the damn firewall to write this shit to put my "mind" somewhere else then inside my fucked up brain.
Why you ask? Well can just say that feels like I getting a fucking coold in the middle of almost fucking summer and just in the fucking start of the fucking time where we are fucking quitting smoking.

Not just that fucking shit, this night I thgought I was going to die.
Was the most fucked up thing, I woke up and could not breathe.
I don't know why, but I guess my nose is/was a but fucked up due to the damn fucking cold I'm getting or maybe I was dreaming about that I was going to die or something.
Don't know at all, at least I didn't die even it feels like it could been a good idea (nooo I dont want to die) just want to feel better.

I hope my wife don't feel the same as I do.
She for sure looks a bit stronger then I feel at the moment.
Stay in there baby, I know you can do it.
Just hope I can...


Enligt mig. said...

And i think someone is in the kitchen feeling a bit cranky :-(
How about a smoke? Moahahahaha...hihi