Saturday, May 10, 2008

Some changes...

So sitting here a Friday night trying to think how to change this damn blog.
Well since blogger has some nice feat. to change at least the top part easy without spending too much time fucking the blog up even more.

So I made some "ego" picture for my wife and just a simple one for myself to at least have something no one else has right?

So here is "The mind of and IT Coordinator v2.0"

Ah, yes today I got a strange email.
Seems like a friends friend (LOL) have talked about me about what I don't know but he wanted to talk with me about something next week, so will see what that is about.
I don't even know the guy but he told me something in the email that can be something very interesting, depending on one thing.

Else this week has been very busy, a lot of things to check up for the coming PBX.
I just hope the link from Madeira to mainland can handle this.

There is so much things that can fuck this up and I just want to make this onces and for all PERFECT!

NN People!


Enligt mig. said...

Someday I´m gonna learn that damn photoshop!! Some day...
Kisses love.