Wednesday, April 30, 2008

1 day of rest and a big fuckup.

Hey there again,

Well today has been kind of a nice day.
A lot of work and investigation today.
But in the end I picked up my son and when I arrived home I notice I forgot "SNUTTEN" the little bear he had since he was born more or less.
THAT is a BIG fuckup.

For people that don't have kids I can just say that if you get a baby and he has a favorite teddy or something. GET TWO at the same time so you can change between them from time to time so he can get the "smell" on both of them so they are almost at least equal.

Reason: If you will forget it one day or loose it, your fucked and you feel worse then even as a person.

Gabriel was crying for "Snutten" so much when he was going to sleep, for a bit more then 1 hour.
So he kind of cried himself to sleep. ;-(

I'm so sorry Gabriel, it won't happen again!

Here is some pictures as you can see what is NOT missing:

Well, now I will go to bed.
Feels like I'm getting a cold of some kind *sigh*


Enligt mig. said...

yes, "SNUTTEN" we will never forget again I think ;-)
But I still think it´s the nurserys fault hehe.
Love ya!